A hot topic in the building industry and can often be quite confusing for clients in the quest to build their dream home!   Firstly, let’s have a look at the differences between a Custom Builder vs. a Project Builder.   Len Pro Building is what is referred to...

Don’t have any plans during the Easter Long Weekend?   We’ve got you covered!   We have compiled various activities and local events over the longest of long weekends to suit any lifestyle - so you don't have to!   OUT AND ABOUT   Wanting to escape from your home for some community...

New year, new you—and a new home to match?   We can’t believe it is already coming to the end of February, and as we continue through the year, we can't help but wonder what 2022 will bring!   2022 definitely has all the makings to be one very...

Christmas is arguably, the most wonderful time of the year; and it’s just around the corner! It’s time for everyone to get prepared to decorate their homes for that instant Christmas cheer.   We have collected some bespoke Christmas décor ideas that Lance has recommended for the...

We are nearing the end of 2021 (WHAAATT?!) so let’s reflect and take a look at some popular design elements from this year!   Every year brings new trends when it comes to home and interior design, and this year has been no different. So many factors...

Are you running out of options to keep yourself and the family occupied?   With the unfortunate current circumstances, lockdowns are affecting more people’s lives all across Australia. However, being at home doesn’t mean you can’t be constructive with your time and create a positive outlook on...

House Feature: June 2021   With an already perfect country-side location overlooking its stunning surrounds, this classic home called for a revival, reflective of the times; balancing a marriage of classic and modern styles. This renewed home inhabits a relaxed quality that is inviting and warm without pretension;...