20 Feb The Basics of BASIX.
BASIX stands for Building Sustainability Index. It is a sustainability assessment tool for residential buildings in NSW. BASIX aims to reduce the environmental impact of new homes by requiring them to meet certain minimum standards (for water and energy efficiency, and thermal performance) and to report on construction materials being used so their embodied energy can be calculated.
The BASIX standards increased on 1 October 2023. Increased standards will help make our homes more comfortable year-round with less reliance on heating and cooling technology.
The sustainability standards for new residential buildings include:
- increasing the thermal performance standard from an average of 5.5–6 stars to 7 stars on the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS)
- reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 7-11% (depending on location and type of residential development proposed).
An average home meeting the higher BASIX standards will:
- save $1,070 per year in energy bills
- have $678 extra to spend each year (bill savings less the mortgage repayments on 5.94% p.a. interest rate).
The 2023 changes to BASIX standards had notable impacts on home selections such as;
- External wall insulation
- Roof insulation
- Roof colour selections
- Window glazing for different zones in your home (bedrooms, living areas, wet areas)
What does this mean for my new home build?
The BASIX requirements are unique for every new home build, and certain design elements will determine your BASIX rating. These could include:
- Land aspect
- Location
- Home orientation
- Window to brick ratio
- Location and number of windows
- Skylights
- Roof profiles and pitches
- Voids
- Step downs
- Size of eaves
- External colours
- Ceiling heights
- Façade design
You can access up to date information about BASIX via the NSW Planning Portal or the HIA website.
With over 25 years of experience, our team at Len Pro Building always remains informed and up to date with the latest BASIX requirements. Furthermore we are an accredited GreenSmart provider and are confident in building environmentally responsible homes.
We can work with you to design a home that meets your needs and exceeds the BASIX standards. Get in touch today.
From concept to completion, our team at Len Pro Building can do all the necessary steps to ensure you’ll achieve the space you’ll love, with minimum hassle. The lines of communication are open to ensure timeframes and budgets are met.
We have a dedicated team of suppliers and tradesmen that work closely with us including, draftsmen, designers, engineers, regulatory bodies, qualified professional plumbers, electricians, water proofers, and of course our licensed builders.
If you’re ready to build a new house in the Hunter Valley or are looking for more information on our process, contact us today!
info@lenprobuilding.com.au | (02) 4991 2459
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